Yesterday was the day you see in so many movies, read about in so many books, and hear about from all your friends: college move in day. For me this day came with excitement, trepidation, anticipation, sadness, happiness, and basically every other emotion out there. Since this was the biggest change thus far in my relatively short life, you can imagine why I was feeling so many emotions. Somewhat like when Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon, though definitely not on the same scale, I was moving away from something that I had known my entire life and stepping into a whole new world (cue the music from Aladdin).
After all of the anticipation, packing, rushing around, the long car ride, meeting my roommate, unpacking, and settling in for my first night, I realized that the day had been completely different than I had thought it would be, yet the exactly the same at the same time. My college move in day was exactly like everyone elses', but it was also uniquely mine at the same time.
Each day is really a new day even if we don't expect to do new things. I expect for new things to happen from now into the future and they probably will, because of that. One of the simplest life facts is that: if you are looking for something new, you will surely find it, and if you are content with staying the same, the same you shall stay. I have decided to embrace my college experience, try new things, meet new people, have fun but also learn. I have for so long been someone who looks back on the past and longs for new things to have happened when in fact I should have been looking forward expecting things to happen. We perceive the world with our mind, so how we think about it in our mind is how we perceive it.
But now, I must go and leave this rambling blog post alone. Convocation is tomorrow and classes start on Wednesday and I have a whole world of new things to do between now and then.
We only get one life. One shot. One chance to do all we wanted to do. If you wanna leave an impact on those around you this blog might be for you. Check it out. I promise if you dislike my writing style you can simply hit the back button and completely forget that you ever saw anything. If you like it however, please let me know. Are you gonna be remembered after you're gone?
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